2020|George Floyd’s Aftermath, NYC
The events that took place during the 2020 George Floyd protests in New York City, were a turning point in American history. As an eyewitness and photographer, I want to delve into the impact of the photographic moment with a significant understanding of this historic period. Exploring its ability to evoke emotions, raise awareness, and inspire change.
During the George Floyd protests, emphasis was sensationalized, perhaps to create a desired narrative. My goal is to show an unbiased representation of the protests. Images of people of different backgrounds, races, and ages standing together in solidarity and the less flattering moments like the looting that occurred during the protests are a genuine portrayal of what I witnessed during this time.
Photography helps future generations comprehend and learn from significant events. The photographs captured during the 2020 George Floyd protests will be part of our collective memory. They bear witness to a widespread mobilization, for justice, and change.
I am confident these photographs will remain significant, reminding us of America's challenges during this period.